“An immersion into the deep creative powers of
the universe is the most direct contact
a human can have of the Divine”
—Thomas Berry

Exploring Expanded States
When we work together, my intention is to create a loving, nurturing space where you can feel safe letting psyche bring forth whatever it is that needs your attention. I am genuinely curious about who you are and what has brought you to this point in your life, and I consider it a profound honor to witness and hold your process. Much like a new leaf unfurling, a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, or a creek finding its way down an embankment, there is an order and an evolutionary direction towards which life yearns.
This is true of the natural world, and it is true of each of us - creatures born of and intimately embedded in this natural world. In a very real way, we are the descendants of stars and galaxies. We are the universe evolving, in human form, becoming conscious of itself…a part of this great unfolding, cosmic story.

So. That’s all well and good. But what about the here and now..? In day-to-day life, folks have jobs to do and people to take care of. Most of us tend to ignore, repress, or distract ourselves from the deeper places of hurt, confusion, or abandonment that ache to be recognized, experienced, and healed. Sometimes it feels like you just need to keep your head down and plough through the daily task of living. Eventually, you might end up feeling like you’ve “missed the boat,” taken a wrong turn, or are simply stuck, with no idea how to get back on course and find your true center. You may hold unresolved trauma in your body, or harbor myriad other developmental wounds that have led to living a contracted or fearful life. 

Expanded state work can offer deep insights into these places of hurt and confusion. Likewise, it can open doors to profound feelings of peace, connection, and “at-homeness” in the world. 
My mission is to help you explore some of these forgotten or undiscovered places in your body/psyche and connect with a deeper, truer sense of YOU.

God speaks to each of us as she makes us,
then walks with us silently out of the night.
These are the words we dimly hear:

You, sent out beyond your recall,
go to the limits of your longing.
Embody me.

Flare up like a flame
and make big shadows I can move in.

Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.
Just keep going. No feeling is final.
Don’t let yourself lose me.

Nearby is the country they call life.
You will know it by its seriousness.
Give me your hand

—Rainer Maria Rilke

What Brought Me to Guiding
My guide work began as an extension of my experience with spiritual emergency. I know how profoundly transformative non-ordinary states of consciousness can be, from the gentle mindfulness of Hakomi Therapy to ego-shattering Kundalini awakenings. When I was thrust into my own spiritual opening in my late twenties, I was unprepared; I had no framework, foundation, or vocabulary for what was happening to me. Gradually, through heartfelt study and searching-out scholars and practitioners who knew something about the process, I was able to reframe the initially terrifying ordeal as something healing, wholing, and profoundly life-enhancing.

Because of this history, I carefully avoided psychedelics, breathwork, or any kind of journey-work that might usher me into an expanded-state, for a very long time. I did not want to reactivate a process I could not control. However, over many years of study, experience, and mentorship, I have come to appreciate that when a person is prepared and supported through their process in an intentional way from the beginning, what might have been jarring or destabilizing can be contextualized and integrated comfortably and even joyfully.

This is why it is crucial to mindfully lay the groundwork for any kind of expanded-state undertaking. Likewise, the process of intentional, supported integration is where the real “gold” often lies. While popular media might have us believe that one “breakthrough experience” will cure all our ills, more often healing is a process of uncovering, paying attention, letting go, reframing, and renewing. This process takes time, intention, patience and loving compassion.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive,
and go do it. Because what the world needs
is people who have come alive”
—Howard Thurman

Work with Me
So, what does expanded state work look like? That depends, in part, on you. Each person is gloriously unique, with different strengths, needs, and intentions. No two paths look the same. And yet, there are certain measures we can take to support and prepare for this kind of work. Over the course of 2 to 3 hour-long sessions, we first take a deep dive into who you are at this moment in your life. What experiences have shaped you? Who are the people currently in your life? What childhood memories rise to the surface, and what feels fuzzy? How do you live in your body, and what is your health history? What are your fears, your desires, your unspoken longings…? What do you definitely NOT want to look at…? I bring in your astrological birth chart as a map of your unique soul’s journey, and we talk about the archetypal themes that infuse your life. Doing this inventory together helps me get a feel for you and what your needs are, and helps us to us build a foundation of safety and trust.

Together, we decide what medicine is most suited to your needs. Maybe its heart-work, maybe its Hakomi Therapy, maybe its spiritual guidance and shadow work. We set aside a day for an in-depth journey that is uniquely tailored to you, with me as companion and guide.

After the journey day, we follow up with 1 to 2 hour-long integration sessions. These are for reflecting on what came up during the journey. How might it impact your life? Were there familiar themes, or unexpected surprises? How are the effects reverberating, and what will your steps be, going forward? What are some concrete things you can do to make use of any insights gained? These are all topics on the path of integration. It is my work and my joy to accompany you on your journey.

Curious to learn more? Contact me for a free 30 minute consultation.